The objectives ensure generaltraining in Architecture, guaranteeing the acquisition of skills that articulate different disciplinary areas of technical, scientific, humanistic and artistic expression, linked to architectural space, the city and the territory: acquisition of skills, mainly of a design nature, tbe developed throughout the learning process; investigation, consideration and experimentation of architectural ideas, facts and knowledge, involving scientific, humanistic and artistic forms of thought and expression. Progressively more complex design programs are approached, integrating multiple dimensions (formal, organizational, material,constructive, territorial, sociological), using the available tools, with the aim of enhancing the design discourse and revealing mastery of contemporary cultural reference systems, establishing critical compromises between disciplinary autonomy and the specificities of program and place.
Architects prepared for the design, rehabilitation and remodeling of buildings, sets of buildings, public and urban spaces, landscape and territory. The scope of their activity covers different functions that range from carrying out projects and plans for housing, public and private services, cultural and educational, health, sports or industrial equipment, to consultancy, expertise, management and direction of construction works. Faced with the challenges of the contemporary world, we prepare professionals capable of positioning themselves in a professional and disciplinary territory that requires a permanent redefinition of the scope and nature of their intervention.
National contest
Um dos seguintes conjuntos: 10 Geometria Descritiva + 16 Matemática ou 03 Desenho + 10 Geometria Descritiva ou 03 Desenho + 12 História da Cultura e Artes
New cycle of studies that will replace the current Master's degree with the same designation