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Resilience in Education

Resilience in Education

MSc - Master Degree
Faculty of Human Kinetics
Joint Programmes 
Faculty of Human Kinetics
Institute of Education
In Association 
Com Outras IES Europeias
Time period 
Day time
Data de Acreditação A3ES 
Prazo de Acreditação A3ES 
6 anos
Official Portuguese Code (DGES) Number 
R/A-Cr 62/2020
Official Portuguese Code (DGES) Registration Date 



The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree "Resilience in Educational Contexts" contributes to the creation of learning environments that promote resilience and socio-emotional skills, through the training of professionals linked to educational contexts, providing tools, resources and learning contexts that facilitate their academic, social and emotional learning and consequently social inclusion and active citizenship. This master's degree includes a set of curricular units that aim to develop skills that allow a better approach and response to the socio-emotional needs of students, with special attention to those who are at risk, namely those from ethnic, linguistic and migrant communities, in a situation of greater socioeconomic disadvantage, and even students with learning difficulties and/or specific educational health needs.


Critically analyze and evaluate the main theories and models of resilience in children and adolescents.
Identify components of educational contexts that promote student resilience.
Analyze and adopt experiential and collaborative approaches to teaching and learning resilience.
Identify factors that influence the quality of implementation of resilience promotion programs.
Identify and adopt strategies to promote the resilience of professionals working in educational contexts.
Implement, monitor, and evaluate resilience programs in different educational contexts.
Identify and adopt different collaborative strategies with parents, caregivers, and other professionals in promoting the resilience of children and young people in a transdisciplinary approach.
Demonstrate knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methodologies and ethical codes of conduct applicable to research focused on promoting resilience.

Career prospects 
Schools and other educational contexts. The master provides training to practitioners and educators in promoting and building resilience in educational contexts at various levels through a systemic and interdisciplinary approach. Course participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable and marginalised children and young people through programme implementation, classroom climate and the whole school system such as working collaboratively with learners, colleagues, parents and the community, whilst taking care of their own resilience and wellbeing. The Master’s programme will be informed by an inclusive, systemic, and participatory approach to resilience development, involve the whole school community and the parents and local community, with evidence- informed and culturally responsive interventions.
National Admission Exams 
Holder of a foreign higher academic degree, with a first cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna
Fee – 1st year (indicative) 
Fee - remaining years (indicative) 

International Access

Fee - 1st year (indicative) 
Fee - remaining years (indicative) 