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Dance Training

Dance Training

Health, Sport Sciences
Training / Specialization Complement
Unidade Orgânica 
Faculty of Human Kinetics
Professor Responsável 
Luis Xarez
10 meses
Ano / Semestre 
  • 2022/2023
  • 1º Semestre
Idioma de Lecionação 
Início da Candidatura 
Início do Curso 
Knowledge and sckills to conceive, prescribe and implement programs aimed at improving technique, strength and flexibility, coordination skills (rhythm, balance) and postural alignment for dancing

This post-graduation course aims to contribute to the training of professionals in the dance community who deal with training problems on a daily basis. This course is intended to fill a training gap felt by many professionals (teachers, choreographers, researchers, dancers and former dancers) who dedicate themselves to training in dance, particularly in companies and schools of artistic education specializing in dance. Improving motor performance, typical of the artistic dimension of dance, requires a high workload, that is, many hours of training. The increase in the number of schools where young people from the age of 10 begin to be subjected to daily training loads, of high intensity and duration, require adequate preparation and training in pedagogical, technical and scientific terms from the agents involved in this intervention area. The artistic experience is very important, but it must be complemented with knowledge of human motor sciences that will allow an improvement in the quality of this intervention. The specificity of dance training was the guiding principle behind the composition of all curricular units, which seek to offer a robust theoretical foundation, a set of successfully tested methodological proposals and a wide range of practical experiences in various domains of this area of intervention. In the curriculum design, an integrated and systemic vision was sought, a close relationship between theory and practice, and a search for the specific skills necessary for the development of a quality professional action within the scope of dance training.


1.200 €
Condições de Acesso 
Holder of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent Holder of a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process Holder of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of the Bachelor's degree by the Scientific Council of the FMH Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the ability to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the FMH