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Academic Titles

Academic Titles

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This title certifies, not only the quality of the academic, professional, scientific and educational curriculum, but also research skills and the ability to lead and conduct relevant scientific study. The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) only assigns this title after the approval of aggregation by public assessment.

Legislation - Decree-Law No. 239/2007, of the19th of June

Guide for applicants – will soon be available

| Decree-Law No. 239/2007, of 19 June
| Guide for applicants
More information

Professor Emeritus
At the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the School at which they teach, Associate or Full Professors at ULisboa may receive this title, not only for their high academic and scientific merit, but also for their important contributions to the national and international promotion of ULisboa.

The title of Professor Emeritus may also be granted, in exceptional situations, to distinguished and retired professors who have been recognised for the prestige and distinction of their contributions.

Honoris Causa
This title is awarded by ULisboa to those whose life path is outstanding in a particular field of knowledge, on the basis of their own merit, reputation and actions, regardless of their academic qualifications.

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