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Lisbon Living +

The Lisbon Living + (LL +) consortium was established in October 2013 to develop innovative social and economic activities, based on the transfer and valorisation of knowledge, as a significant contribution to the promotion of healthy living and active aging.

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2nd Annual Conference Lisbon Living + | The COVID-19 Pandemic - The day after

The consortium was founded to respond to these societal challenges by applying the approach taken by the European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT) in the creation of European thematic networks dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship (Knowledge and Innovation Communities, KIC). One of its basic aspects is the establishment, in each region (network node), of an active collaboration between the academic, research and business sectors, forming a "knowledge triangle”.


To promote healthy living and active aging through research, development, innovation and production of goods and services with social and economic value, through the cooperation between partners involving academia, business, local authorities and other health care providers or with intervention capacity to related social areas, as well as seeking to involve citizens and patient associations and other relevant key players.


To generate results with significant economic and social value based on training activities and innovation and entrepreneurship projects, valuing them through impact assessments and dissemination to target audiences.

To promote collaboration and involvement of all its members in training activities, and in innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

To take advantage of European programmes, such as EIT Health where some of its members are an integral part, and others, particularly Horizon 2020 and Portugal 2020, promoting the participation of the consortium as a whole or of some of its members in LL + key intervention areas.

To provide the consortium with the necessary back-office to identify relevant financing programmes, support project submissions and their respective post-funding management of the activities generated under LL +.

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