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ULisboa is very happy that you are interested in studying, teaching or working with us. Here you will find many different areas of knowledge and interesting ways of develop yourself academically. We also hope to benefit from your own perspectives allowing our own students and staff to grasp from other culture and various education systems while achieving together the expected learning outcomes.

Erasmus + is the EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports, for 2014-2020.

The Erasmus+ Programme is a Key 1 Action initiative that allows the accomplishment of different activities between higher education institutions, while their students, recent graduates, teaching staff and administrative staff carry out learning, teaching or training related mobility.

To provide a worthwhile experience ULisboa develops many support structures:

| Erasmus/International Office in the University’s Rector’s Office and each of its Schools;
| Institutional websites for the Universidade de Lisboa and each one of its schools available in both Portuguese and English;
| Schools at ULisboa are supported by Students Unions/Groups of students that assist international students and help them feel more integrated;
| Welcoming events for international students, creating a first interaction moment, with fellow students, hosting Schools and the Institution itself;
| Portuguese as a Foreign Languages Courses for Erasmus students;
| Accommodation at the Students Hall of Residence (specific number of vacancies for mobility students);
| For students who are unable to get a vacancy at the Students Hall of Residence, ULisboa offers information for finding accommodation across Lisbon.

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