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Student Ombudsman

The Student Ombudsman is an independent body of Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), whose role is to defend and promote the rights and interests of the students of the University.

The Student Ombudsman shall be appointed by the General Council, upon proposal by the Rector, for a four year term of office, after consultation with the Standing Committee for Pedagogical and Student Affairs.

1 – The Student Ombudsman shall be responsible for evaluating complains lodged by students on pedagogical matters and administrative matters associated thereto, as well as other aspects of their academic life, and for addressing to the relevant bodies of the University the recommendations as he may deem appropriate to prevent and remedy such situations.

2 - The Student Ombudsman shall carry out his duties in with the Pedagocical Councils of the Schools , the Student Support Services and the Student's Unions, under the terms established in the respective regulations.

The Student Ombudsman of ULisboa

Professor Bruno Sousa:

Regulation of the ULisboa Student Ombdusman