ERC Grants
The ERC's remit is to stimulate and provide support for cutting-edge research in all areas, on the basis of excellence.
The European Research Council (ERC) is a core component of Horizon Europe, the European Union's research framework programme for 2021 to 2027.
ERC grants are awarded through an open call for projects led by early career researchers and established researchers, irrespective of their origins, who work or intend to work in Europe. The sole selection criterion is scientific excellence.
The aim is to reward the best ideas and raise the profile of Europe's best scientists, as well as attracting talent from abroad, through:
- Starting Grant (StG) for researchers with experience between 2 and 7 years after completing their doctorate.
- Consolidator Grant (CoG) for researchers with experience between 7 and 12 years after completing their doctorate.
- Advanced Grant (AdG) for established research leaders.
- Synergy Grant (SyG) for 2-4 principal investigators with complementary scientific bases.
- Proof of Concept Grant (PoC) to develop the innovation potential of the principal investigator's previous results.
ERC grants at ULisboa
The Report - ERC Grants ULisboa 2007-2022 highlights ULisboa as the most awarded national institution with ERC grants in the period between 2007 and 2022.
A total of 37 ERC grants were awarded to researchers developing their projects at ULisboa, accounting for 25 per cent of the total grants awarded to Portugal and making ULisboa the most awarded national institution.
Of the total, 14 are Starting grants, 11 Consolidator grants, 6 Advanced grants, 5 Proof of concept and 1 Synergy grant.
The ULisboa institutions that won the most grants were iMM with 17 grants, IST with 7 and ICS with 5.
With regard to the most represented scientific domains, 11 grants belong to the Life Sciences area, 9 to Physical Sciences and Engineering and 9 to Social Sciences and Humanities.
ULisboa researchers received around 62 M€ in ERC grants.
Training and empowering researchers
Encouraging and supporting candidates to apply for competitive programmes, by strengthening dissemination initiatives and training and support mechanisms, allows us to promote the competitiveness and performance of ULisboa's researchers.
ULisboa regularly organises training sessions aimed at individual candidates for ERC grants, in liaison with specialists in attracting European funding for research.
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Open calls for applications 2023
Research at ULisboa
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