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Colégio Food, Farming and Forestry

Food, Farming and Forestry College (F3)

The Food, Farming and Forestry (F3) College is the catalyst for transdisciplinary knowledge creation in the areas of food, agriculture and forestry at ULisboa.

In this context, it is the driving force behind a holistic approach to promoting scientific and technological development and education for innovation in the food and agroforestry sectors, as well as being a driving force for anticipatory public policies in the face of the multiple challenges facing human society at national and international level.

The mission of this College is to share interdisciplinary competencies in the fields of food, agriculture and forestry in order to stimulate the development of transdisciplinary knowledge aimed at technological innovation and enhancement, the promotion of social and environmental responsibility, as well as integrated governance of the food and agroforestry sectors.

Coordination: Amélia Branco (Lisbon School of Economics &Management)


Equipa: Todas as Faculdades e Institutos da ULisboa

Team: All the Faculties and Institutes of ULisboa:
Lisbon School of Architecture (FA), Faculty of Fine Arts (FBA), Faculty of Sciences (FC), Faculty of Law Faculdade de Direito (FD), Faculty of Pharmacy (FF), School of Arts and Humanities (FL), Faculty of Medicine (FM), Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMD), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMV), Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH), Faculty of Psychology (FP), Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), Institute of Education (IE), Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), School of Agriculture (ISA), Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP), ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG) e IST Técnico Lisboa (IST).



The governance of Colégio F3's activity is ensured by a Directorate supported by a Coordinating Board. Management has the support of two external bodies for strategic guidance, namely the Monitoring Committee and the External Committee, where key actors with an impact on the fulfillment of the College's mission are represented. The governance structure is based on a simple and flexible, participatory and collaborative model.


Coordinating Board (triennium 2021-2024)

Amélia Branco (ISEG), Catarina Guerreiro (FM), Cecília Galvão (IE), Leonel Fadigas (FA), Joana Marques (FMD), José Manuel Palma-Oliveira (FP), Luís Goulão (ISA), Luís Moreno (IGOT) , Manuel Coelho (ISEG), Margarida Gaspar de Matos (FMH), Margarida Santos-Reis (FC), Maria João Estorninho (FD), Maria Henriques (FF), Mónica Mendes (FBA), Mónica Truninger (ICS), Paulo Seixas (ISCSP), Ricardo Teixeira (IST), Rui Bessa (FMV), Teresa Nunes (FL).


Resources, Food and Society (REASOn) - A new model of Doctorate in Sustainability Sciences

The PhD in Sustainability Sciences is a new 3rd cycle degree offered at ULisboa. It differs from other study cycles in "sustainability" by focusing on the dimension of food production and consumption as a main vector of the challenges facing sustainability, recognizing that understanding food systems and acting on the global food system are fundamental tools for sustainable development and require research on the interactions between ecology and socio-economics.

The U Lisboa has critical mass and research centres with enormous recognition in all fields of knowledge necessary for the excellence of this new branch in "sustainability sciences", consolidated in the creation of the F3 College. Being administered by ULisboa with the involvement of teachers from its Schools who come together in immersive and integrative pedagogical methods that promote interdisciplinarity, it constitutes a very innovative and pioneering advance in terms of PhD model.

Page of the PhD in Sustainability Sciences



The current paradigm for creating social value benefits from transdisciplinarity in research, training of research teams, as well as training and personal development of R&D staff, along with knowledge and know-how of science communication. The College aims to be a partner of companies and organizations in the public and private sector, responding to the challenges it faces, both in matters of informed and independent communication with society, as well as in technical support for transdisciplinary knowledge and training activities or development of new solutions.

Favouring direct contact with agents and social actors, public and private, with influence, jurisdiction and exercise in the field of food, agriculture and forestry, the F3 College manifests itself and assumes itself as partner-catalyst, with recognition with society, in the following six standard actions, spread over three nodes of the same nodal line:

Axis of support for anticipatory public policies:

  • "Think tank", in a model of autonomy and independence from the State and interest groups, for the co-production of effective knowledge and credibility of products and services;
  • Independent, integrated and participatory technical-scientific advice;

Axis of co-production of knowledge, know-how, goods and services:

  • Development of results-oriented products, processes and services;
  • Experimentation and optimization of solutions to respond to complex challenges (in a "laboratory" or the company/organization);

Axis of training and dissemination actions:

  • Specialization courses with a transdisciplinary focus at different training levels;
  • Skills acquisition courses for senior managers.

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