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Committed to the success of its students, Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) takes on the duty of gathering and disclosing information on employment and the professional career of its graduates, as an indicator of the level of adjustment between educational supply and the job market demand.

By monitoring the employability of its graduates through an online survey (1st and 2nd cycles), after at least 12 months of contact with the job market, ULisboa wants to identify the waiting periods, the ratios and profiles of employment, the nature of these labor contracts, as well as other parameters associated with insertion.

This monitoring system also reaches graduates from these cycles of study after about 6 and 10 years of contact with the job market and graduates from the 3rd cycle of studies.

Some ULisboa Schools provide their students with assistance to professional insertion, enabling further proximity and personalized tracking of their graduates’ careers.

The following table presents the main employability indicators at ULisboa, resulting from the monitoring of the most recent graduates (1st and 2nd cycles) (last editions of the survey).


Year of the survey


9th Edition


8th Edition


7th Edition


6th Edition


5th Edition


4th Edition

Year of graduation
(Licenciatura and Master’s Degrees)
2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16
Time between graduation and survey submission At least 1 year At least 1 year At least 1 year At least 1 year At least 1 year At least 1 year
Employment rate
(% of graduates with paid professional activity at the time of the survey)
88% 89% 86% 85% 88% 86%
Employment in their field of study
(% of graduates working in their field of study at the time of the survey)
55% 68% 67% 66% 66% 63%
Internationalization of employment
(% of graduates working abroad at the time of the survey)
13% 12% 11% 12% 12% 14%
(Average monthly gross wage at the time of the survey)
1.429€ 1.403€ 1.307€ 1.311€ 1.212€ 1.208€
Waiting period for employment
(% of graduates employed and paid 6 months after graduating)
74% 72% 75% 78% 74% 72%