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António e Hanna Damásio
©Inácio Ludgero 2024

ULisboa/BIAL Foundation 30th Anniversary Award

The University of Lisbon (ULisboa) and the BIAL Foundation are promoting the University of Lisbon/BIAL Foundation 30 Years Award.

This academic competition aims to stimulate the reflection, interpretation and critical analysis skills of higher education students, challenging them to write an Essay on the theme of the BIAL Foundation's thirtieth anniversary conference "On the Physiology of the Mind 2024", prepared by António Damásio and Hanna Damásio, and presented by the former, while simultaneously promoting scientific culture and fostering interdisciplinarity and rapprochement between and with the Academy.


Who is it for?

Students from ULisboa or other higher education institutions in Portugal, from the undergraduate, master's, integrated master's and doctoral study cycles who have attended the Conference "On the Physiology of the Mind 2024", to be held on October 9, in the Aula Magna of the ULisboa Rectory, are eligible.

Due to the full number of registrations for the event, it will be streamed online. Participation online also requires compulsory registration.
If you have already submitted your registration, confirm here your choice of the format of participation.


How does it work?

Higher education students who have attended the Conference "On the Physiology of the Mind 2024" can apply for the award, on the date set for that purpose, by writing an Essay on the subject, in Portuguese or English.

The essay will be assessed by a Jury.


Important dates
  • Conference: October 9, 2024 (5 p.m.)
  • Applications: October 9 to 14, 2024
  • Evaluation: October 16 to November 13, 2024
  • Communication of results: by the end of November 2024



For further questions, send email.



BIAL Foundation


There are 10 prizes to be awarded, worth €1,000 (one thousand euros) each.

The prizes are awarded by study cycle, with the following distribution:

  • 6 to undergraduate students;

  • 3 to master's/integrated master's students;

  • 1 to doctoral students.

Applications are submitted online, by filling in the form.

The Essay submitted to the competition, using its own form, has a maximum of 2500 characters, with spaces, showing the ability to:

  • Personal expression on the topic, as well as the capacity for critical, argumentative and subjective analysis;

  • Exploration of ideas, opinions and interpretations in a free and structured way, with the aim of provoking reflection and discussion among readers.

The author of the Essay and his/her affiliation are not identified in the body of the Essay.

The Guidelines are available and have been updated by the Notice no. 263/2024.

The evaluation of the Essay will be carried out by a Jury made up of specialists in the scientific areas of the Conference theme. It will be graded between 1 and 10 points.

The evaluation takes into account:

  • The participants' capacity for reflection, critical analysis and argumentation, through the exploration of ideas, opinions and interpretations in a free and structured way;

  • The capacity to present in an articulate, coherent and rigorously reasoned way.

The Jury has access to the Essay without identifying its author and/or affiliation.

The Jury of the Award is composed of an odd number of elements, including members of ULisboa's Mind-Brain College and other elements from outside ULisboa.