PhD thesis in the International Cotutela Regime
The PhD research work can be conducted under the cotutelle of two higher education institutions through a specific agreement signed by the Universities and the doctoral student, pursuant to the Regulamento de Elaboração de Tese de Doutoramento em Regime de Cotutela Internacional da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa).
The signature of the international cotutelle agreement can be requested by any doctoral student of the Ulisboa, who already meets the requirements of his/her PhD program in order to start writing the thesis.
The PhD thesis is developed, in this case, in similar PhD programs of ULisboa and another foreign university, under the supervision of, at least, one professor of each university.
Any doctoral student interested in the cotutelle should, first of all, suggest this possibility to his/her supervisor and, in case of approval, contact the academic services or the postgraduate services of the School in which they are enrolled. We also suggest the students to refer to the respective Ulisboa School’s webpage with all the information on the necessary documents to start the procedure.
The signature of this type of agreement can also be requested by doctoral candidates from foreign universities who wish to develop their thesis in a similar PhD program of the ULisboa, under the same conditions.
For further information, please contact the academic services or the postgraduate services of the School which offers the PhD program you are interested in.
The cotutelle agreement is set according to the norms in force at the Ulisboa, namely the “Regulamento de elaboração de tese de doutoramento em regime de cotutela internacional da ULisboa” and the “Regulamento de Estudos de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Lisboa”, as well as in Portugal, namely the “Regime Jurídico de Graus e Diplomas”. These binding legal documents are available exclusively in Portuguese language, in the Portuguese version of this page.
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