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Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is the most prestigious university in Portugal and one of the leading European universities.

With its 18 Schools and 96 Research Units, hosting almost 50,000 students, 3,500 teachers, 2,300 non-teaching employees and offering 460 degree courses, ULisboa is a privileged space of Science and Knowledge, one of the major institutions of Higher Education in Europe and is the leading University in the country.

ULisboa has been in its current form since July 2013, when it merged with the former Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

ULisboa extends the continuity of both the institutions recognized scientific and cultural traditions.

Involved in Portuguese society and the region of Lisbon, ULisboa has taken on the mission of making the City of Lisbon one of the major European capitals of culture and science.

The quality of research, innovation and culture of the Schools and Research Units of ULisboa attracts a growing number of international talents seeking ULisboa's research groups in order to develop projects at the highest level.

Viewing involvement in sports as an important aspect of a college education, ULisboa offers its students’ access to the University Stadium of Lisbon, located on the campus of the Cidade Universitária. The stadium is outfitted with sports and leisure facilities that are available to both the University and the City of Lisbon.

ULisboa, a national and international leader, is proud  of its motto: Universidade de Lisboa for the world.

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