a) Evaluate and diagnose to intervene, through dance practices, in human and cultural development projects
b) Conceive and plan projects, involving dance and its multiple techniques, in the artistic, educational, recreational or inclusive areas, adjusting these intervention projects to the respective contexts and target populations, namely children, young people, adults or elderly people
c) Conduct intervention processes that improve artistic performance, health promotion through dance activities, social inclusion and sociocultural animationa) Evaluate and diagnose to intervene, through dance practices, in human and cultural development projects
b) Conceive and plan projects, involving dance and its multiple techniques, in the artistic, educational, recreational or inclusive areas, adjusting these intervention projects to the respective contexts and target populations, namely children, young people, adults or elderly people
c) Conduct intervention processes that improve artistic performance, health promotion through dance activities, social inclusion and sociocultural animation
Teaching and training in Dance; social and cultural intervention; choreographic creation; arts projects and events management (design, planning, execution, control, and evaluation).
National contest
Um dos seguintes conjuntos: 02 Biologia e Geologia + 18 Português ou 02 Biologia e Geologia + 10 Geometria Descritiva ou 10 Geometria Descritiva + 18 Português ou 12 História da Cultura e Artes + 18 Português ou 10 Geometria Descritiva + 12 História da Cultura e Artes ou 13 Inglês + 18 Português