Education and Training
Acquiring knowledge in the field of education and training that allows us to understand educational contexts and phenomena;
Applying knowledge in the fields of education and training, in work contexts;
Diagnosing problems, needs, resources and opportunities for educational intervention in groups, organizations and communities, based on investigative processes and on a critical and creative reflection;
Participating and cooperating with other professionals in creating, developing and evaluating projects, programmes, devices, activities and resources related to education and training, in institutional contexts, organizations, structures and services with both formal and non-formal education;
Participating in the identification, organization and systematization of empirical, qualitative and quantitative data, aimed at producing scientific studies, documents, reports and opinions in the context of education and training;
Developing habits of work and competences that allow lifelong learning.
Technical Senior in Education (Education, Higher Education and Science, and councils) and Technical Senior in Training (Employment and Social Welfare). Carrying out activities in central, regional or local educational organisms, schools of different modalities and levels of teaching, and vocational training organizations.
National contest
Um dos seguintes conjuntos: 11 História + 17 Matemática Aplicada às Ciências Sociais ou 11 História + 18 Português ou 02 Biologia e Geologia + 18 Português