The degree in Finance enables you to acquire a vast set of knowledge, skills, and experiences in the area of Finance - both corporate finance and also financial markets. Furthermore, you will gain a strong understanding of core accounting and fiscal principles. Being a multifaceted and international School, this degree from ISEG offers you a good overall knowledge of Economics, Management, and Mathematics.
Students who graduated in Finance from ISEG can go on to study for a 2 nd Cycle degree under the Bologna Process, where they can either further their knowledge in Economics or Management or specialise in the specific area of Finance.
Even though you will probably only worry about this in 3 years' time, we invest in the professional success of our students right from the beginning. Our students have virtually a 100% employability level 6 months after graduating (with nearly 35% of students receiving a job offer before the end of their degree).
With a degree in Finance you can work in finance or banking institutions, investment funds, or in companies that operate in financial markets, or you can work for a financial regulator (Banco de Portugal, CMVM, European Central Bank) or public entities. Our graduates are also frequently employed by the Big 4 consulting/auditing companies and in the corporate sector. There are exciting job market opportunities for you - both in Portugal and abroad!
National contest
19 Matemática A e uma das seguintes provas: 02 Biologia e Geologia ou 04 Economia ou 07 Física e Química ou 09 Geografia ou 13 Inglês ou 18 Português