In general, this BSc Degree in Geology promotes the apprenticeship of concepts and methodologies required to characterize the dynamics of Earth Systems, seeking to develop skills that allow understanding the scientific, technological, economic, social, and cultural relevance of Earth Sciences. The growing need to manage and know how to use geological resources (minerals, energy, water) in a sustainable way, as well as predict and mitigate natural hazards, reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience, requires demanding training, supported by solid and eclectic scientific knowledge. This training is equally decisive in the integrated analysis of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes that, over time, have shaped the evolution of the Earth, building its geodiversity. Fieldwork experience should therefore be associated with proficiency in the use of modern approaches to process data of a spatial nature at different scales and the use of programming languages.
Companies and public institutions of the sector of exploitation, extraction and management of geological, hydrogeological and energy resources, geotechnics, assessment and minimization of impacts and risks and land planning and management | Higher education and research institutions | Central and local Administration institutions, Nature Conservation and Geological Heritage entities.
National contest
Duas das seguintes provas: 02 Biologia e Geologia ou 07 Física e Química ou 19 Matemática A