Innovation Week
The Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) holds an annual "Innovation Week", organizing 5 conferences of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks (ITN) of ULisboa in the Agro-Food and Forestry Areas (redeAGRO), Health (redeSAÚDE), Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV), Sea (redeMAR) and Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Transfer (redeVALOR). Counting on the participation of national and international experts, these conferences allow for public debates concerning the ITN topics, while promoting and amplifying interdisciplinarity within the University and increasing collaboration with the main economic partners.
These conferences are intended for a wide audience, promoting the public debate of important issues in ULisboa’s strategic areas of intervention.
Committed to innovation in Lisbon’s social and business communities, Innovation Week aims at creating an exhibition space for research, knowledge, technology and entrepreneurship, where ULisboa’s enterprises, partners, research institutes and incubators participate.
The Annual Conferences of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks started in 2014 and, from 2015 onwards, they were brought together in the ULisboa Innovation Week.
| ULisboa 3rd Innovation Week | May 3rd to 9th, 2017
| ULisboa 2nd Innovation Week | May 2nd to 6th, 2016
| ULisboa 1st Innovation Week | June 13th to 17th, 2015
| RedeSAÚDE 1st Annual Conference | February 2nd, 2015
| RedeMAR 1st Annual Conference | November 17th, 2014
| RedeAGRO 1st Annual Conference | October 13th, 2014
| RedeVALOR 1st Annual Conference | June 23rd, 2014