The BA in translation is a vocational course designed to prepare future graduates for an area in growing demand and need for specialisation. The curriculum is interdisciplinary in nature, and aims to develop the varied skills required by translators: linguistic, technical, IT, cultural and literary.
Therefore, the course provides basic training that focuses both on the more technical aspects of translation and on the necessary cultural immersion that goes with it. Students are mainly trained in translating into Portuguese, using various types of texts and support, from and into German, Spanish, French and English, so as to meet the requirements of the Portuguese job market.
At the end of the course, students may choose to further expand their skills at the Faculty of arts and humanities by taking one-year Specialised (in Translation Technologies and Practical Translation), Master (Translation and Conference Interpreting (2009-2014)), or Phd courses (Translation Studies).
Translation graduates work in different areas of interlinguistic and intercultural mediation. The strong practical component of the degree and training in Portuguese and two foreign languages enables graduates to work in areas as diverse as translation (general, literary, technical and scientific , audiovisual and localization), proofreading, language teaching, consultancy, linguistic and cultural mediation and research.
Many graduates in Translation continue to study, entering Master's and Doctoral courses, either continuing their training in Translation, or embarking on other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences, among others.
National contest
18 Português e uma das seguintes provas: 01 Alemão ou 05 Espanhol ou 08 Francês ou 13 Inglês